The Foundation
The Datatec Educational and Technology Foundation’s (“the Foundation”) spend is directed into educational initiatives consisting of school-level intervention programmes for learners and teachers, and educational bursaries. Other initiatives include the provision of technology infrastructure and skills development for unemployed youth. In this way, Datatec gives back to the country and the economy that initially fostered its own growth.
Our Mandate
- Developing sectoral skills, learnerships and/or education;
- Education relating to and/or development of entrepreneurial projects focused on sustainable development;
- Education relating to and/or the development of career guidance and;
- Development of educational or training facilities for previously disadvantaged individuals, and in particular, education and development focusing on information technology, mathematics and/or science
Success in maths and science is critically important if we want to grow the pool of young people pursuing STEM [science, technology, engineering and maths] careers. It is also vital that we equip our teachers with the necessary skills and confidence in these subjects so that they can support and encourage their learners to excel and rise above their circumstances.
“As a Foundation we believe that education is a passport out of poverty and into a life of possibility. We are proud of the partnerships we have established over several years with many reputable non-profit organisations who are making a meaningful difference at grassroots level across many of the rural communities they serve.”
Maya Makanjee
Datatec Educational & Technology Foundation (Chair)
Datatec Board (Chair)
Our Values
As an extension of the Datatec Group, the Foundation is led by a set of values in how it conducts business. Not only does the Foundation uphold the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (specifically Good Health and Wellbeing; Quality Education; Decent Work and Economic Growth; and Climate Action), it also lives by the following:

We embrace change and creativity to deliver the best practical outcomes

We strive to exceed expectations and be the best that we can be, maintaining the highest level of quality

We encourage initiative and provide opportunities for our people; our Group is built on a foundation of diversity, equity, and inclusion

We champion an environment of honesty, transparency, fairness and high moral standards

We build strong relationships and alliances to achieve success for the long term
Our funding focus
Recognising that education is the base on which a successful economy is built, the Foundation funds educational organisations whose purpose is to improve education within underprivileged communities in South Africa.
School Level Programmes and Teacher Development
Teacher and learner development is a critical area of investment for the Foundation, especially in the realms of maths and science, where public‑school teachers are heavily under-resourced. It has been proven that with public-private partnerships, the issue of poor school-leaver passes can be effectively addressed.
The Foundation supports non-profit organisations (“NPOs”) working to improve learner participation and test results to enable learners to pursue tertiary education in fields that require maths and science as lead subjects. It also supports NPOs providing teacher training and upskilling in maths and science.

Provision of Technology Infrastructure
As a leading global technology company, Datatec recognises that access to ICT is vital in a developing economy, and it is the Foundation’s objective to provide poorer communities with access to computer technology for the purposes of education, skills development and job creation.
ICT Skills Development for Unemployed Youth
Skills development is another critical need, particularly among the youth, who feel the brunt of unemployment in South Africa. The Foundation continues to invest in NPOs that provide sectoral skills training aimed particularly at the youth to improve their chances of employment.

Bursaries for Tertiary Studies
Many underprivileged learners simply don’t have the means to access tertiary education due to impoverished circumstances. The Foundation supports students, particularly female students who study towards degrees in STEM related fields.
Our Partners
Kutlwanong Promaths

Kutlwanong is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving mathematics and physical sciences performance among township youth in South Africa. For over a decade, the Foundation has funded Kutlwanong’s outreach programme for Grade 10-12 learners in Mdantsane township, which has resulted in increased academic achievements and higher bachelor pass rates in the Eastern Cape.
Olico Maths Education

OLICO provides an effective after-school maths tuition programme through blended extracurricular maths tutoring, custom-built online maths programmes, and maths clubs for Grade R-9 learners. The Foundation supports OLICO's tailored education initiatives for township communities, providing academic support in maths for learners from Grades R-12.
Tomorrow Trust

Tomorrow Trust is a non-profit organisation that supports orphaned and vulnerable children through holistic programmes covering academic, psychosocial, career, and digital development for students from Grade R to Grade 12. The Foundation sponsors a cohort of learners per year to attend the Holiday and Saturday School programme in Gauteng.
PROTEC Pietermaritzburg Academy

PROTEC offers Saturday and Vacation School programmes to help students with academic development, focusing on math, science, English, and career readiness. The Foundations funds PROTEC to provide education for disadvantaged Grades 9-12 learners in Pietermaritzburg and nearby areas, aiming to empower them to pursue careers in technology.
The Vula Programme

The Vula Programme at Hilton College provides educational outreach in KwaZulu-Natal, serving 90 under resourced schools. The Foundation has been supporting this initiative since 2001, funding teachers' training and educational initiatives to assist learners in improving their mathematics outcomes and exposure to STEM career paths.
Maharishi Invincibility Institute (MII)

MII is a non-profit private college and self-development organisation that provides bursary loans and self-development programmes for deserving youth. They offer accredited qualifications and an international Business Degree via distance education. The Foundation has supported MII growth, funded training programmes for students, and financed the establishment of computer labs to support more young people.
Afrika Tikkun

Afrika Tikkun provides sustainable care and educational development for vulnerable and orphaned children from birth until age 25. The Foundation has an ongoing partnership with Afrika Tikkun and has funded upgrades and maintenance of Afrika Tikkun's IT infrastructure, and iPads to support the eLearning programme, and, recently, the Child and Youth Development programme.
For more information contact Thabile Mandane | +27 (0) 11 233 1221 |